
How to Stay Full Without Overeating

How to Stay Full Without Overeating

Finding the sweet spot in between still feeling hungry and feeling stuffed can be hard to find when we are enjoying a good meal! Sometimes we do feel full without being stuffed, then that feeling of fullness goes away and we end up over snacking in-between meals OR we end up inhaling our next meal which leads to us feeling way too stuffed. We are here to give you our tips to help you better listen to your body and help you find that feeling of being content with your fullness!

Drink up! We’re talking about water. The oldest trick in the book! Drink a full glass of water before every meal. This will help you feel more full going into it! When you’re out and about, bring a water bottle with you, not only will this keep you hydrated, but it can trick your body into thinking you’re not as hungry as you think.

Portion Control. When there is a full plate of delicious food in front of may be hard to resist eating it all and go for second or thirds in one sitting! Just keep in mind that it takes around 20-40 minutes for your brain to tell you that your stomach feels full. Start with one serving of food and wait a little longer to see if you really are still hungry or if the food just looks and tastes good!

Snack. Can snacking help with weight loss? Yes! If done right and in moderation. Snacking can help prevent you from overeating by keeping you feeling full in between meals. Some snacks are empty calories like chips or candy. Eating snacks packed with protein will keep you fuller longer. Some of our favorites are yogurt, edamame, nuts, protein bars and protein drinks!

Pro tip: down a bottle of ICONIC to give yourself a fast, filling, nutrient-rich snack in between meals.

Don’t skip meals. Listen to your body when it tells you that you need food! Skipping meals will only lead to you overeating at your next meal. If you need to skip a meal due to whatever reason, make sure you eat plenty of fiber and protein rich snacks to keep you feeling satisfied. Remember, no one likes a hangry friend! 

Plan ahead. Whether you are meal prepping or simply choosing your meals the day of, it’s always better to plan. Eating balanced meals 3 times a day with some healthy snacks will keep your body feeling full and satisfied. Think of what you want to eat for the day when you wake up and then plan exactly what you’ll eat in each meal and how much of it! If you’re prepping the night before, plan your portion accordingly to prevent under and over eating.

As always, listen to your body and fuel accordingly!

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